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Jan 27, 2009

Pop Quiz: US Military Bases?

How many bases does the US military maintain?

Until three years ago: it was easy to check. Then the people who push numbers -budgets -Senators & House members, OUR representatives, military & their families around, and come back for "supplemental" money --so Americans can't ever be Sure of Total, the Penta-goons: decided they didn't like 'sharing' and took down the page.

Does it matter that they took down the information? YOU, your family -neighbors -friends -co-workers --ALL Americans pay their salaries and ALL expenses of those bases. Ergo: You are "Okay" to pay, but Not Okay to know that for which you are paying. Good plan?

Americans, probably all payers of taxes, don't mind paying: for the things which serve the Common Good. Paying for: the stupid --bloat --trivial --un-necessary/un-needed generates rage --and Big holes in Treasury and wallets.

Without Knowing Facts, we cannot assess which is what. First: We have to KNOW --to determine if an expense/cost is warranted --justified. Keep the information hidden: impossible to assess. --But That's the way Penta-goons like it.

What we DON'T know: Can hurt. --We have gigantic deep Hole in US Treasury, thanks to thug #43 -the Dick, president of vice, and their assorted ilk. Before we CAN fix the Mess, we have to know where we're 'at.' So take your best shot: Pop Quiz-- Total US Military bases?

Vote once, results end of February. --Yes, I know the answer, I saw the info before the Penta-goons took it down.