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Sep 9, 2010

A Terrorist's Threat Announced --Saturday 9-11-10

TO: Attorney General Eric Holder

If a man tried to pull a child into a vehicle: local cops would –keep on munching donuts, get annoyed at witness’ phone calls –switch off the phones?

If I am an American living in America I have the right to say what I want, including: “I hate the color white” –so my right of free speech prevails –even if I announce publicly “I am going to destroy the White House”?

My rights guaranteed me under the Bill of Rights: superior to right to life of 310 million Americans in the US, several millions more outside the US?

I am neither ‘bleeding heart’ left-wing ‘liberal’ nor “conservative” right-wing nut job. I am an American living in one of the most desirable places on earth on my government’s supposedly-constant “Watch List” –from actualized and announced threats from those who hate my government’s policies and actions, and supposedly under the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I have to obey my country's laws.

As an American, fifth-generation: I have full rights –but I don't have Every right. I am not 'free' to yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there is no fire.

Don’t have aluminum foil hat, do have front-row seat to see a fool put me, all Americans, entire military in jeopardy, no thanks to irresponsible press –sucking on less than trivial ‘story’ during ‘slow news’ time, to lure viewers so they can sell sponsors’ products.

If the press had used Judgement –refused to air/publish that fool's drivel: would the fool be able to attract ANY attention?

So an insignificant narcissist desperate for attention announces he will burn religious books: he is as stupid, wrong, impotent as the brainwashed 19 who crashed four jets in America, murdered 3,000 civilians. Proof? Did America: cease to be America from that sick act?

Well, leaving aside spying, lying, greed; violation of international treaties; usurpation of Congressional authority -Constitution and Bill of Rights of eight-year Oval Office occupant, Will burning 200 copies of a religious book: cause believers of what is in that book to stop believing in their religion? Of course not. So the "reason" to do such a thing?

His “right” of ‘free speech’ –superior to my right to keep on living? You want to wait –till the slug gets the child inside the van, drives away –the white house rubble? WHAT are you waiting FOR? WHEN do you decide his ‘rights’ NOT superior to everyone else’s right to life?

If Americans –paying their government for -have guarantee of protection –don't get that protection –even on public announcement of intent that will incite retaliation –violence –mayhem, murder, then who is more criminal: the announcer of threat or those who fail to prevent/protect?

--government failure to act –protect
If the petty narcissist who craves attention Announces intention to commit an act which will certainly result in retaliation of some sort to Americans, somewhere, I want somebody in my government to explain to me, my fellow Americans and entire military: why the hell you cannot prevent him from doing it?

What the hell is the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, doing talking about this on camera???

“Protection” actually one of the few REQUIRED Actual reasons –Purpose of government. IF You, charged with Protecting us, don’t –even with his Announcement: Why the hell do we employ, pay you people?

No, I’ve not looked up map of whacko’s “church” location. But If Secret Service can ‘figure out’ how to protect the President while disrupting several hundreds of thousands of commuters in rush hour, in every direction --cannot figure out HOW to arrest threatener --before he commits his intention???

For G-ds sake, FIGURE OUT: How to isolate him so extremely NO one from media gets within twenty-mile+ perimeter, NO one allowed to photograph any thing; no “church” member ANY kind of photographic device –search & seizure and whatever codes, laws, cites apply, threaten ANYONE who publishes any photo of any book-burning.

Either: arrest the whacko before he burns books or isolate/curtail him so extremely
no one has ANY kind of evidence to ‘justify’ mayhem, murder of military or civilian Americans.

With the hundreds –thousands?—of laws we already have, IF you “cannot” find a ‘stand alone’ “Homeland Security,” federal, national security law to apply: then use me –resident of a state that terrorists have announced, attempted to bomb, California. –Or your mother –yourself –ANY American potential victim of what will result from burning religious books.

Which will Americans hold responsible for outcome: book-burner terrorist --those who failed to protect Americans by stopping him?

Either you people ARE in Protection –anti-terrorist business or you are Complete waste of time, resources –accepting money under false pretenses.

Which is it?

I sent the above letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General and to several others in law enforcement. The media behaved irresponsibly. But as this junk story dragged on, it was obvious those in law enforcement were doing nothing --effective, to stop the bore using "religion" to elevate himself. He SHOULD have been yanked, hard, behind the scenes by those supposedly In Charge to protect citizens.

Many hours later: narcissist "pastor" announced back-off, claims he will not burn books on 9th anniversary of attack on US.

NOT for one second do I believe his excuse for backing down --a mosque to be built in New York --in another state hundreds of miles away: 'won't be built' as his cause. His so-called followers, all 30 --50?, are to blame for the "religious" nut job. WHO is to blame for lousy press corps --do-nothing law enforcement?

What do you think?

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