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Nov 29, 2010

FBI Caught Oregon Festivety Bomb Suspect? No

Informed Americans have issues with the FBI. Hoover, long-time Bureau head J. Edgar, used the Bureau to his own ends --and to know the things the Bureau has done engendered suspicion, contempt, even in the casual observer.

Hoover wire-tapped --many many people, then used the information against those people and attempted, allegedly, to blackmail; 'leaked' material on others --to weaken -discredit such as Martin Luther King, famous model The 'Shrimp' who killed herself after learning of their interest; successive Presidents --believed to be how he kept his job for decades.

All the while organized crime families --mobsters flourished, curiously untouched --especially those who owned nightclubs --which didn't, apparently, mind hosting, quietly, the man --who liked to dress in women's clothes? --Hoover in wide-strapped frilly dress, sitting on someone's lap, half-smile --how I remember the picture, in every newspaper --parody --true? Head and #2Bureau man his sidekick: Life-long bachelors, constant companion, destroyed all of Hoover's papers after his death; buried side by side, 1970s. Who does those?

It's not necessary to go all the way back to Hoover, past ten years: far enough. Agents requested warrant: for computers of two wealthy foreigners taking flying lessons, who didn't want to learn how to land --denied, several times. --Might have shut down 9/11 attack, prevented 3,000 murders.

One FBI agent: looked at disparate information --ultimately mapped --jumbled dots, revealed all the deaths -destruction -bombings over several years --connected. But while he was working to convince 'management' of the core connection: he committed a 'crime.' His briefcase --briefly left in a crowded room, rankled, 'crime' used by Bureau 'brass' who already didn't much care for brilliance -intelligence -creativity, as 'last straw' to make his FBI life difficult. Well-known, well-liked, after he quit the FBI he easily got another position. John P. O'Neill, head of World Trade Center Security, died on the job --September 11.

To see "FrontLine" PBS investigative report on O'Neill, FBI: is to enrage.

Stupefying --shocking begins to describe: the news FBI had an informant who had lived with two of the 9/11 murderers --news widely-reported at the time, immediately yanked out of the house (--in San Diego?) after the attack. HOW --of all the potential criminals, in all the cities in the US -around the world --in that house --those roommates?

Utterly forgotten: never followed up --investigated neither by Congress --any reporter --even local authorities --Why?

The young woman working for the Bureau, who had answered the call for bilingual help: one day returned from lunch to find week's worth of translations missing --deleted; told by her supervisor, essentially, she was spoiling the Bureau's "opportunity" to get more money from Congress --for translators --working too fast. The agent waiting for the English transcription of the Arabic papers she had been translating? Oh well. As detailed on "60 Minutes" she re-did all the work --then quit. The supervisor? Got promotion --bump in pay??? Do we need to look outside --for enemies?

So Federal Bureau of Investigation --known for rigidity -bungling -abuse -'Lone Ranger' tactics -not playing well with others --chasing down bank robbers while organized bad guys flourished --best & brightest booted has changed --learned anything since worst US attack?

According to news reports: a naturalized American citizen from Somalia, hidden in plain sight attending an American university, deceived and imagined he could 'accomplish something' defying the Koran and his version of Muslim religion --by blowing up un-armed innocents, women, children --as many as he could.

FBI agents --Caught the suspect who attempted to set off several drums of explosives at Portland, Oregon Christmas tree-lighting event? No. Agents: did not "catch" the suspected moron. Agents: did the grinding, the detailed, the patient --staying 'on top' of a lead --followed up, with what was necessary, until they rendered seriously stupid suspect impotent --arrested. "Two years" of work --not "catch" --not enticement, not entrapment. This the land of Free Will, still --he free to Stop at any time, his family not at risk, they, reportedly, tipped the FBI to his 'radicalism' -aka delusional -desperate self-aggrandisement.

Americans don't --probably won't ever, know all the politics --all that has transpired inside the Bureau --daVine and way not. But Americans, many children, many parents and all those connected to them, in a public square watching Christmas tree lights --free to go about life's banalities, uninterrupted by one-way trip to nearest ER --pain -suffering -murder -grief, mourning. From the outside Looks like: the 'brass' and the Bureau --better, now --closer to daVine than merely playing 'cops & robbers.'

Good job.

Now do the same --on the biggest criminals America has ever known: banksters -bundler bums -rating, insurance weasels on Wall Street committing Grotesque Theft. --Theft of home, of pension to line their own pockets: if not halted, prosecuted --threatens survivability of America. How many Americans --living in the street, will it take: to expose their crime?

AG Eric Holder --Where Are You?
If the crime is Really big: when the bank robs the people? Untouched by the FBI --Only go after the robber minnows? IF you need 'inducement': the tax paid on property --pays for cops, community --FBI --your salary --but first there has to Be a property owner.

IF You let the banksters get away with the theft: 70% of Americans at risk -huge number already lost their home, another 11 Million on the verge --there aren't enough cops --anywhere, to stop the anarchy --if America becomes homeless. Get to it.

If the FBI doesn't --investigate --seize --arrest, STOP the thieves of Everyone's future: who will-- When? daVine Politics... sorely needed....

* * * * *

tag: J. Edgar Hoover illegal wire-tap, Christmas tree lighting Portland Oregon 55 gallon drums fake explosive terrorist, Bank of America Citi AIG Goldman Sachs Moody's Standard & Poors Chase Morgan Stanley Merrill Lynch Countrywide Chase Manhattan Wells Fargo bank public employees pension fund fire fighters cops teachers civil servants paramedics, hedge funds Jamie Diamond John Thune Lloyd Blankfein, robo mortgage signer fake title signature unproven title bankruptcy foreclosure property home condo theft false rating triple A-rated cities toxic assets regulators failure bloated inflated appraisal, Attorney General US Dept of Justice Eric Holder

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