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Mar 12, 2011

Japan Makes Three Strikes --Welfare for Weasels --Toast

No long detailed account necessary, it's REAL simple.

The industrious, determined highly-motivated Russians: built nuclear power plants. Water ran out in one plant --core hot hot hot. They hid leakage -workers -evidence -truth as long as they could, but Chernobyl power plant exploded --Grade #6 on scale of 7. Quarter century later: earth scorched, locals cancer-dead, successive generations deformed, ill, cancer-laden.

Chernobyl happened in 1980s --after "smart" connected wise guys convinced American politicians in 1970s "no problem" getting electricity, water hot from "clean" nukes --at Three Mile Island --right up until it wasn't such a cool idea --with life-threatening Grade #5 partially-melted core --smack in the middle of communities --full of humans.

Now industrious, conservative, careful Japanese: coping after aftermath of fifth most powerful earthquake, trying to cope with the shock --awe --failure to keep water pumped to keep nuke rods cool --nuclear power plant from explosion.

At this writing: Japanese authorities releasing "nuclear vapor" to relieve intensity built up inside the power plant, when even back-up generators failed to pump enough water to keep the rods cool --toxic water --released everywhere....

--"locals have been evacuated"
--does that include: entire population in Japan? --Authorities believe 20 miles 'far enough'? --"vapor" doesn't contain cell-killing cancer? --Japanese people stupid?

Babies born in November -December --January -February --decades will be...?

Believe it --or Not, No Matter
US --Russia --Japan = three strikes --the weasels who pump --dump "donations" into politicians, politician-wannabes: are OUT --D-O-N-E. Weasels and their lobbyists can pump limitless amount of cash to try to sway votes, they AIN'T gonna sway Americans --get ANY nuke plants built in the US.

US doesn't "need" no stink'n cancer-producing nukes to heat our water, run our TVs -lights -computers --Congress. If they --You still don't get that:
1. Name a place in the US --isn't subject to earthquake --tornado --hurricane --massive flooding, that won't disturb nuke plants??? --Could build housing that wouldn't disturb?

2. Name even ONE way --ONE place: PUT spent nuke rods, the left-over toxic waste, that won't cause problems in some state --for future generations --for centuries.

People in Nevada: haven't forgotten the lies, campaign "promises" The Thug told --and the shipments of toxic waste they got --after he got into White House.

Double-dare --You --anyone name a single instance of wind farm caused massive cancer. Anyone can site: electricity generated from water --hydro power caused massive toxic burns, fire? --Name even one documented incident: solar panels caused cancer --scorched earth?

So: We're Done
Thanks, nuke power boys --for funding past political campaigns, pumping funds into campaigns of people who SHOULD -DID know better, but accepted the donations anyway. --Americans Get It: ain't gonna heat our water --power up our country with stink'n nukes, no how. So pack up your lobbyists, get outta town --you're finished.

"Electric" Stupidity
America imports --pays out massive money --for oil, dwindling resource --to people who don't like us, while pigs flying high on Wall Street, on Chicago Futures Exchange jerk us around, pump and dump on us, while they suck money --out of our wallets.

--All the while so-called leaders: make Idiotic laws about tobacco --Ignoring 271 Million pounds of toxic waste --dumped on us --on the planet from 70,000 airplane flights a DAY. --Ignore: our massive abundant natural resources --sun --wind --water --natural gas --which could save money, environment, disappearing species --slash pollution --power up our country --supply/
solve our energy needs --change the Hate Meter.

Just Exactly HOW is it smart: to 'power' a car with "electricity" --that comes from powering the electric company --on dirty coal?

daVine Politics
--for weasels who pump money into those who are supposed to represent all?
1. CHANGE financing of elections --political campaigns

2. President Obama: must MUST make An Energy Plan
--Long-term for United States; Plan MUST incorporate US natural NON-harmful renewable resources. He must do it NOW, period --no more dithering --no more mealy mushy words

3. Congress MUST take away
NO MORE "energy" corporations sucking on the dole --on "entitlement" --ALL of OUR representatives --Must delete tax "break" --$35 BILLION bucks now thrown at the WEALTHIEST greediest of all, the oily boys --billions handed to coal creeps, that blow up mountain tops, pollute water-ways and fish --multi-billions tossed on corn producers --for ethanol nobody can even use.

The Greed boys, their lobbyists: TAKE Our resources -burn food --pollute our environment --make money -Private PROFIT off resources belong to ALL, but DON'T pay US taxes or royalty --on stupidity, thanks to greedy, short-sighted, stupid politicians.

--Entitlement --Profit off the dole --Rip off of TAXPAYERS Ends NOW.

This month, while Congress is "working" --screwing around the 'edges' sniffing for stuff to cut out of federal budget: START with slashing ALL tax "entitlements" to ALL oil -coal -corn corporations --tax --they MUST pay on OUR resources.

Cool Pool
With all that money --taxes paid IN plus tax entitlement money NOT going OUT to oily boys: we can grant LOANS, start-up capital to those with the vision, acumen, motivation, skill to produce CLEAN non-cancer producing -SAFE energy to power our country.

We Don't "need" oily boys --punching our ocean floor --without Clue One of the consequences of destroying the fragile shelf, to drill for their profit --our grief.

--Nope, no catastrophe wanted --no more Man-made cancer --no weasels --no oily boys --no nuke-peddlers--no stink'n nukes that poison people, place, prosperity. WE got:
sumptuous SUNshine
--way loads where the wind blows, night, day
--rivers -oceans --water, water --everywhere
more Natural Gas than any other place on earth

We got nerds, geeks, builders, laborers --brainiacs, loads of unemployed, duh, the organic -smart -wise -creative --daVine Politics?
Why aren't we using --ALL --NOW? We need NEW infrastructure to carry Natural Gas. While we're at it: we need to connect up all power companies --replace decades-old power grid which CAN'T carry the load. Plus: REALLY --why can't we bury those wires --the ancient telephone poles that also carry electricity --that go down in every kind of intense weather.

--Put the poles under ground --starting in Tornado Alley part of US --no more disruptions --no more re-stringing, re-wiring over and over.

If you want the good stuff --Affordable --clean, smart safe energy that doesn't poison: we need plans --pipelines --pool and You --need to say so:
write to: President Obama
write to: your reps in Congress, House -Senate
--links: in Sidebar ====>
--do it NOW --while you can see Japanese residents fleeing to clean air --medics running with iodine to inoculate the already infected --politicians running for cover.

No More Welfare for Weasels
NO more Entitlements for energy weasels. WE need to strip weasels OFF the dole --entitlements NOW. No more --weasels: perverting politicians, deciding how we energize our country --finance election campaigns --sucking up entitlements.

NO More welfare for weasels
We MUST have wise safe affordable clean resourceful solutions --Safe NON-nuke energy --daVine Politics in America --NOW.

- - - - - -
NOT helpful --smart --likable, but DO Remember: your Clocks --must 'spring forward' --one hour --before you hit the sheets.

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